Friday, April 8, 2011


Typically, for someone who is unemployed, the weekends mean very little.  Other than the lines are longer everywhere and you maaaay actually get to see and speak with human people... if you can actually afford to, that is.  Believe me, we WANT to go out, but let's face it.  The social life mostly boils down to economics.  You have to get creative when you are unemployed broke.

I mean, we're all freaking broke... but there are ways around it to be able to have a little fun... even when you are unemployed.  Now I'm just speaking from basic SINK (single income, no kids) or, well, NINK (you figure it out) point of view, but if you are looking to go out and hang with friends, make it happy hour time and find a great happy hour.  There are some decent ones out there, but there are also some AWESOME ones that you can find if you look and ask around... oh, and bring cash.  Bringing cash to a bar is a pretty novel concept these days, but holy crap it has saved me in the past.  You know what happens, so just try it next time.

I'm curious to hear if anyone else has some 'cheap (and legal) ideas' for the rest of us - obviously it doesn't have to be something amazing I just said 'happy hour' for crying out loud... but maybe something like...

- Checking out local hotel lobbies for conference cookies and juice
- First Fridays/Art Openings - usually free booze, hors d'oeuvres, decent music and great people watchin
- Listening Parties - do we have those anymore?  Cause those were awesome.

I really could use some more ideas... I'm running out.

Oh yea, and have a HAPPY WEEKEND!


  1. Leave it to you to find some creative ways to cocktail on a budget! Bravo! Your comment about the cash made me laugh...ah Trick Dog, gotta go to the cash machine!! LOL


  2. HAHAHA! Shan, love it. Yea, bringing cash places was never my strong suit, but I have learned my lesson! Better late than never, right?

    Oh, there were a few other freebie places I forgot to mention...

    - Bulk Store Samples - Places like Costco, Sams and even Whole Foods will have samples out all the time... I like to consider them "free tapas"

    - For the girlies - Ulta, Sephora and even the department stores for free makeup... well, to sample anyway.

    When I was unemployed in Silver Spring, I used to go put on weird makeup at the Ulta and head over to get lunch samples at Whole Foods... not a bad day for being broke!
