Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Merry SUXmas. OK, maybe it's not that bad...

Ahhhh the holidays. I love them (and get so freakin stressed out by them) as much as the next person. I have my decorations up, tree trimmed (minus presents) and am trying to figure out what the heck I can make from the stuff in my pantry to give away this year.  Macaroni necklace, anyone???

I think a lot of times when people who are unemployed are in this kind of crappy "place" - no job, no income, little socializing - it's very easy to concentrate on the things you don't have, can't do, can't afford, wish you could do and should be doing.  Especially during the holidays.

I wish I could buy exactly what I wanted to get for my friends an family to make them happy... I can't come to your party since I can't afford to buy anything to bring with me and then I'll feel like even more of a loser... If only I could afford my electric bill AND presents.

Yea, it sucks to be in this situation. But you know what focusing on all of that gets you? NOTHING. It doesn't make you all of a sudden be able to afford everything you want to give. It won't make any elves pay your bills. And it makes you and the people around you miserable. Seriously. But you know what people want?  They want you to be happy.  I know it is so difficult to get passed that (BELIEVE ME, I KNOW) and when you don't have anything else going on, sometimes it is hard to even see past everything you don't have.   

So that's when you have to pull your head out of your ass and look at everything you DO have. The people who support you no matter how much of an asshole you can be sometimes (and by 'you' I mean 'I')... the ones who will say "It's ok & thank you" to getting presents from the Dollar Store this year even though they may not mean it... the roof over your head and food on your plate even if it's for one more day...

So do this for yourself and the people around you this holiday.  Take some time out and focus on the things that are still in your life right at this moment that make you smile... I know there's something. Trying to shift that focus is tough, but it can help. I want this to be a forum where we can celebrate our accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem.

You woke up, didn't you? That's something, dammit. Start there....

Friday, December 10, 2010

Unemployed & need support? Yea, me neither.

Unemployment sucks. Well, for most. I should know. I've been laid off SEVEN times since graduating college. They say "write what you know", well I know about being laid off. It got to the point where I could just sense it and when I had "that feeling" a call would come from HR... or my manager couldn't look me in the eye... or the boss who was never in the office for more than a day is there the whole week.... or a Friday... that kind of stuff. I also know about what follows.

Some people can bounce right back. Are uber motivated - get up at 6am, go to the gym, come back, network and job hunt like a champ. I've been there. But I've also had those other days... sleep in, watch tv, (I have to) walk the dog, don't talk to a soul, watch more tv, then go to bed. These are the days that people don't like to talk about... cause they SUCK. And when someone asks the question "so, what did you do all day?" you just want to sink into a hole... preferably one with cable and pizza.

And this is why I decided to start this blog. While sinking into a hole with cable and pizza may sound pretty awesome, it's not going to help you get a job - which IS the goal, obviously - and it just makes it harder to dig yourself out of that negative trap. I wanted to start a kind of positive support forum for people who may be in that hole or find themselves sinking into the miserable comfort of the unemployment blues. I have been there and I still start sliding.

But, if you're anything like me, you don't exactly love asking for help. The whole pride thing, blah blah blah. Well, screw that. I want to hear from anyone - unemployed, fired, restructured, down sized, laid off, sh*tcanned, if you know someone who is unemployed or even if you are with someone who is unemployed (man, I know about that too) whoever, I don't care. Maybe we can all help ourselves to "keep it up" and "hang in there" and "oh, you'll find something soon" - you've heard all those, haven't you!

So, let's try and keep it light. We all have our crappy stories. This is a forum for support, NOT a pityblog. I'm about three steps away from being homeless myself. But I have a plan and I remain hopeful that I will get something very soon. I really think we can really help each other in a positive and productive way. Even the smallest positive step is a step in the right direction and could possibly help someone else. It's time to celebrate the accomplishments here, no matter how big or small.  Even if all you did was look at Craigslist, that's still something. Maybe someone didn't think of looking there today... anyway, whatever it is... let's hear it... I'll be posting links periodically that will hopefully be helpful for your job search and all those moments in between.

So, what did you do all day? was actually a question I used to HATE and considered incredibly condescending.  I'M LOOKING FOR WORK, WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M DOING was usually my answer.  I'm trying to switch my focus and maybe help someone else do the same.  To be able to answer that question with conviction and pride for what I actually DID do instead of what I didn't or coulda or woulda or shoulda while I'm unemployed, that's where I wanna be.

So, what did you do all day?