Thursday, April 14, 2011

Some days you are the dog, some days you are the hydrant.

Some days you are the pant leg downwind of your dog's Jean Claude Van Damme 'Bloodsport'-high 30 second pee-kick while realizing that Linkin Park lyrics are starting to "speak" to you (yikes)... Unfortunately, most days, in the world of the unemployed, you are just a fixture on the sidewalks of life getting the golden showers of failure again and again...  eek. That's unpleasant.  Anyway, it really is a big fat roller coaster that goes on in your head... but more like the kind that goes backwards and makes you want to vomit at every turn.  Good thing it doesn't last, though... It DOESN'T!  But how do you keep going?  How do you keep the motivation when you just get doors slammed in your face every day?                 Beats the shit out of me.  
Thank goodness there are others out there who can help, too.  In my recent research, I've found a bunch of Unemployment sites to do just that.  Here are a few to get started....

I Need a Freaking Job (if you wanna get all political.)

If you haven't yet (like moi, ahem) Tax Tips for the Unemployed

Hopefully some of those will help.  The funny thing is, a lot of them are kind of outdated... the good thing about that is... they've probably gotten jobs.

1 comment:

  1. if you need a tax person, you should talk to Suz. she had a pretty good hookup. PS. Wyatts bday party will be on June 25th. Super casual lunch/cocktails at my pool. Would love for you to come! We'll get you a cake too XOXO

    PS- great job on the bloggy. Big thumbs up
